Reserve a Court at The Tennis Park
Reservation Instructions
The court reservation calendar displays the availability of each of our six courts. The time slots for each court, 1 – 6, are displayed in the six columns across the calendar page. When you open the page, it displays today’s date. To see times available on the next 4 days, use the right arrow at the top of the page.
Making a Court Reservation
When you open the reservation sheet, it defaults to today’s date. To reserve a court for dates in the future, use the right arrows to navigate to the appropriate day. To open the reservation tool, click on the time on the calendar (on the desired date). This will open a popup box. (Make sure that you do not have your browser set to block popups.) Fill out the form and click the “Make Reservation” button. You should see your reservation appear on the calendar. If you need to change the length of the reservation, log back into the calendar, make the change, and click the “Make Changes” button.
Children age 15 and younger are not allowed to play next to any club league or USTA match with or without parents.
Canceling a Court Reservation
If you find that you will not be using a court you have reserved, we would appreciate it if you would cancel the reservation in the system so others can use the court. To cancel a reservation, login to the calendar, and click anywhere in the cells for the time you had reserved. Click on the “Cancel Reservation” button.